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Olympian Age of War

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 Hermes cabin

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4 posters


Number of posts : 47
Age : 28
Location : lakeview ,ny
Registration date : 2009-05-01

character sheet
Hermes cabin Left_bar_bleue100/100Hermes cabin Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)
magic points:
Hermes cabin Left_bar_bleue50/50Hermes cabin Empty_bar_bleue  (50/50)
drachmas: 100

Hermes cabin Empty
PostSubject: Hermes cabin   Hermes cabin EmptyFri May 15, 2009 2:39 pm

seeing that his cabin is bare he decided to make it seem more homly he put an ozzy ozbourne poster and a mettalica poster next to his bed and put a fishing pole under the bed feeling a little more at home he went to sleep.
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Number of posts : 85
Registration date : 2008-12-01

character sheet
Hermes cabin Left_bar_bleue100/100Hermes cabin Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)
magic points:
Hermes cabin Left_bar_bleue50/50Hermes cabin Empty_bar_bleue  (50/50)
drachmas: 100

Hermes cabin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hermes cabin   Hermes cabin EmptyTue May 19, 2009 3:27 pm

OOC: The hermes cabin is never empty, is it? Oh, and Metallica is amazing.
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Number of posts : 81
Registration date : 2008-11-21

character sheet
Hermes cabin Left_bar_bleue100/100Hermes cabin Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)
magic points:
Hermes cabin Left_bar_bleue50/50Hermes cabin Empty_bar_bleue  (50/50)
drachmas: 100

Hermes cabin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hermes cabin   Hermes cabin EmptyTue May 19, 2009 5:07 pm

OOC: Nope, its constantly full.
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Number of posts : 39
Age : 29
Registration date : 2009-01-21

Hermes cabin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hermes cabin   Hermes cabin EmptyWed May 20, 2009 4:20 pm

OOC:thier right, it is constantly full.
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Number of posts : 47
Age : 28
Location : lakeview ,ny
Registration date : 2009-05-01

character sheet
Hermes cabin Left_bar_bleue100/100Hermes cabin Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)
magic points:
Hermes cabin Left_bar_bleue50/50Hermes cabin Empty_bar_bleue  (50/50)
drachmas: 100

Hermes cabin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hermes cabin   Hermes cabin EmptyThu May 21, 2009 1:17 pm

yea but its during the fall and not many campers are there because there only summer campers.
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Hermes cabin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hermes cabin   Hermes cabin Empty

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Hermes cabin
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